Seeing the supernatural has an impact on people's lives, but living in the supernatural has a much greater impact. The biblical account in the gospel of Matthew 14:22-33 allows us to see that Peter literally walked on the waters and, at one point he hesitated and began to sink, but the other disciples did not even dare to ask.
The bible says: But when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me! And immediately Jesus put forth his hand, and took hold of him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, why didst thou doubt? Matthew 14:30-31 (KJV'60)
God is supernatural. God gave gifts to men for the task he entrusted to them, but fear paralyzes us, most of the time. We can work many miracles, evangelize multitudes, prophesy, etc. But, in order to live in the supernatural, the Lord needs to "cut off" that which is supernatural.
There is a story that illustrates this principle, and it is in 1 Kings 17:3: Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, which is over against Jordan. (KJV)
To understand; the prophet had been a short time in public and, guided by the Spirit of God releases sentence on that region, because of the sin of the king and his consort. Sin closes the heavens.
To be a person who walks in the supernatural of God, our life in private with the Lord must far exceed our life in public.
There were four schools of prophets at that time; Elijah was of the school of Bethel (house of God); they were known as "those who look upon the face of God"; the expression "in whose presence I stand" (1Kings 17:1) means I am looking upon the face of God and I prophesy. To look upon the face of the Lord, to listen to what he wants us to speak and do, to obey him in everything, to have a sanctified life but, it is necessary to be broken; for a greater weight of glory.
Querit means "to cut down to the right measure" which clearly tells us that God wants to cut us down, taking away everything that is excess. Humanity must be bent to live in the supernatural. In the Lord's school, in order to be able to work miracles on a large scale, it is necessary to enter into "Querit".
And he went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree, and was desirous to die, and said, It is enough, O LORD, take away my life: for I am no better than my fathers.1 Kings 19:4 (KJV) This is not the right attitude or expression of a man of God. But the character of the prophet is to go from one extreme to another; one day he can make fire come down from heaven and the next he is so bitter that he believes that God was wrong with him, he is to do crazy things, he is to do things very little understandable for the reason, and everything, so that God glorifies himself. The truth is that the prophet fled because he was afraid. A man with the experience of Elijah, who had seen what the Lord had done through his life, how he had glorified himself by allowing the shame of the false worshippers and the conversion to the Lord of a whole nation in a single day (in chapter 18 of the same book); now he was fleeing because of the threat of a woman; Jezebel. He was afraid. From where he was to where he fled was only fifteen miles; all desert. No one fleeing for his life goes only fifteen miles away. She was afraid.
And he lay down under the juniper tree, and fell asleep: and, behold, an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise, eat. 1Kings 19:4 (KJV)
In the wilderness absolutely nothing grows, because it is wilderness. Much less a juniper tree; the juniper is a shrub of the cypress family, it has many very open branches. The truth is that Elijah was so angry, so bitter, so afraid that he could not realize that he was under the miracle of God. Doesn't it also happen with us, that we complain in the desert and because of that we cannot see that we are living under the miracle of God?
God is good and knows how to do things. How many times we are put in querit to be "cut" in such a way that we are in the right measure and be prepared to work supernatural miracles like the ones Elijah worked.
Men of Elijah's stature are no longer seen. They are scarce. But the God of Elijah remains the same, He does not change, his character remains the same, therefore there is hope, heaven and earth pass away but his word does not. And that is our hope; that the winds of change are blowing?
Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be safe; believe his prophets, and you shall prosper.
2 Chronicles 20:20b (KJV)